The series of wider audience events in Deep Green Inno project is completing with the NanoPol20024 conference, organized by our coordinators, Faculty of Sciences, University of Banja Luka.
One more meaningful and inspirational deliverable behind us: Faculty of Business and Administration at the International University of Sarajevo hosted the Deep Green Inno Green Business Plan Competition.
A meeting to share the results of the Deep Green Inno project, covering both the first phase of implementation and the ongoing second phase, was held at POLIS University.
IUS buzzed with activity as it hosted the symposium, titled "BioNano Innovations for Cancer Therapy with Small Molecules and Engineered Nanoparticles" through Deep Green Inno. Symposium was organized by team leader Altijana Hromić-Jahjefendić and targeted the GBE students.
A super active week is behind our Deep Green Inno project team. Except successful POLIS University workshop, we are happy to show off performance at the University Union Nikola Tesla's workshop as well. ✌ Our educators, managed to really expand but still connect the subjects into our "deep tech" and "green" 🍀 mission.
This time, our partner POLIS University brings us to the cultural heritage town of Gjirokastër, Albania. Interdisciplinary workshop "Fostering Green and Creative Entrepreneurship" aimed at learning on preservation of the rich cultural history
Our young trainees, students from University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev"continued with the industrial visits, this time to the polymer recycling industry in Veliko Tarnovo.
Our consortium partners University Union Nikola Tesla are welcoming the guests from Italy and Bosnia, along with the added value guest ✨ from Romania all for a new central workshop in this second phase of Deep Green Inno.
Our partners from POLIS University report a new study visit of their students of architecture and urban planning to one more 🌊 hydropower plant, this time the Fang-Limaj nearby Lezhë, Albania. Students were supervised and led by architect Klodjan Xhexhi.