
A meeting to share the results of the Deep Green Inno project, covering both the first phase of implementation and the ongoing second phase, was held at POLIS University. Attendees included the project management team, staff, students, and two representatives from the IUS Sarajevo, Dr. Šejma Aydin and Dr. Jasmin Šutković, PhD, partners in the project. Dr. Flora Krasniqi, the project coordinator for POLIS University, delivered a detailed presentation outlining the completed activities, upcoming tasks, and a strategic plan to sustain the project’s results.

Additionally, Dr. Klodjan Xhexhi showcased the laboratory equipment funded by the Deep Green Inno project and installed at POLIS University. This equipment will be used for research on innovative and environmentally friendly building materials.

One of the objectives of the Deep Green Inno project is to facilitate joint research, mentor students in preparing their diploma theses, and support start-ups in collaboration with the industry. In this context, the guests from the IUS, along with the academic staff from POLIS University, visited "ALTEA & GEOSTUDIO 2000" during their stay in Tirana. As one of the largest testing laboratories, this company specializes in geotechnics and the laboratory analysis of construction materials. During the visit, the guests were introduced to the company's work and research focus, its collaboration with universities, and its innovative approach to testing green and environmentally friendly construction materials.

deep green inno deep green inno deep green inno deep green inno deep green inno deep green inno