
deep green inno logo Deep Green Inno
deep green inno logo Funded by the
European Union

The DeepGreenInno project is going to contribute to the European Deep Tech Talent Initiative by capacity building of the 5 partnering HEI institutions in the East South East Europe (ESEE) countries (2 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1 in Serbia, 1 in Bulgaria, and 1 in Albania)

Increase in innovative capacity in green material technologies, green chemistry and material chain-related environmental protection is the core of the project. The project will support the development of high-quality innovation training related to environmentally acceptable material industry issues, by introducing the "green" innovation principles with ever-increasing potential roles of “deep tech”.

Sensor applications, artificial intelligence and fast data analysis used in synergy to improve production and processing of materials is defining in classifying the new ideas as “deep tech”. In line with the Deep Tech Talent Initiative, project will enable HEIs to educate students in achieving the “greener” technologies leading to ever greener transition of European industries and societies.

Coordinating country, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the most recent EU candidate country, is experiencing strong trend of investments in the material sector, as well as the partner HEIs countries of Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania. HEI’s will benefit from the participation of the CNR SCITEC Italy as the partner, which is the crucial research union driving Italy’s material science and technology forward. CNR has been a valuable partner in multiple projects with coordinator, University of Banja Luka.

This successful collaboration will be now further expanded, and this model introduced to the other partnering HEI’s in DeepGreenInno project. Also innovation-oriented institution, Innovation Centre Banja Luka is the partner in the project with the broad experience in training providing in the area of innovation fostering and entrepreneurship. Activities in the project are designed to strengthen the network of the consortium experts but will be designed also to give chance to bring the most promising students together with large industry and SME entrepreneurs for knowledge exchange.

In parallel to understanding the deep tech dimension of “green material technologies”, the innovation potential in this field will be taught and promoted to the young people and encouraging them to look for self-employment in the start-ups or to think out-of-the-box and search for greener solutions in the companies if they are already employed. Innovation and entrepreneurial education will be additionally supported by the associated partners from Novi Sad, Serbia (University of Novi Sad and Science & Technology Park Novi Sad).

Number of activities and KPIs are carefully balanced to involve partners with maximum balance, and to reach all the objective of the call, as well as to surpass them wherever possible in order to increase the impact to the capacity building of the HEIs involved.