Call for Registration - NanoPol 2024



Deep Green Inno project educations paid a lot of attention on the environmental problems, evolving also from the material production, which was our core subject. However, one thing become very clear to us: We are all in this together! Namely, there should be absolutely no boundaries between private and public HEIs or scientific organisations when the subjects of the Earth's 🌍 survival are on the table. Thus, our consortium was also composed of 3 national HEIs and 3 privates HEIs supported by other associate and core partners. Today we would like to highlight one of the educations that our partner, University Union Nikola Tesla students had this spring, at the national Institute of General and Physical Chemistry LINK

During that visit, students from the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Protection, had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the appearance and basic principles of operation of numerous analytical devices such as: thermal characterization: (DSC, Q 1000, TGA, Q 500, DMA, Q 800), structural characterization: (XRF spectrometer, FTIR spectrophotometer, UV-VIS spectrophotometer, NMR spectrometer, X-Ray diffractometer), qualitative and quantitative chemical analyses: (ion chromatograph, gas chromatograph with mass detection, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, gas chromatograph with FID detector, ECD detector ... ⚗ 🔬 ⚖

The subjects of joint interest such as green chemistry, food waste prevention, biodegradable polymers, were discussed and presented in the friendly and promising atmosphere, crossing all communication boundaries in science. Greener future concerns us all! 🌱

deep green inno deep green inno deep green inno deep green inno deep green inno deep green inno deep green inno