
Upscaling innovation potential is what this Deep Green Inno seminar is all about. There was no better place to learn it in Bosnia and Herzegovina than at the BELGRAND LED displays company in Teslić city.

What started as the small family business almost 30 years ago as a SME-internet provider have grown into the leading European company, the only one that has enough courage to deal with absolutely custom made LED displays. At the moment of our visit they were producing ones for Sarajevo airport 🛫 announcement board but also the one to be shipped to Las Vegas.

This is one of the technology areas where electronics meets nanochemistry.

Our consortium and industrial experts discussed current tendencies with students of chemistry and electrical engineering who traveled with us. Traditional LEDs are being more and more replaced by the OLED (organic ones) and techniques for producing them are improving:

With over 40 times longer lifespan than traditional bulbs 💡, more than 70% less energy needed , safer handling and lighter weight, LED displays are one of the "green inno" we want our students and young staff to keep an eye on in their future work 👍 .

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