
Our workshop in Ruse was completed yesterday with the industrial visit 🏭 . First day we had a seminar attended by the students of mechanical and transport engineering and the business department. They listened with curiosity what our speakers had to say about future of graphene production in Europe, new green principles in architectural materials selection and also the good environmental practice in copper smelting.

On the second day, executive director Iliyan Hristov from the www.skmat.bg company, and his diligent workers demonstrated to us the deep tech aspects in energy consumption in limestone (or calcium carbonate, chalk) processing. With the extensive use of solar 🌞 power in which they invested heavily, now, company leaves much less carbon footprint. It is able to focus on quality in being a major supplier for such delicate industries like the effervescent nutrient tablets but also some of the more robust ones like the construction industry. Natural carbonate rocks from northern Bulgaria are light and easy to cut, but yet they show excellent insulating properties and thus are great substitute for concrete, drawing more and more attention in EU. Their quantities are almost limitless, giving a great development potential to Bulgaria in this area. It was an honor to spend the eve of the International labor day with one of the most noble professionals-MINERS!

We thank them both for the visit in which we learned so much, but also from the bottom of our hearts 🖤 🖤 🖤 for the huge sacrifice in their contribution to the world society as a whole.

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